Gregor Schmidinger


Where are you from and where do you live now?
I grew up in a small village near Linz in Upper Austria but have been living in Vienna for 8 years now.

What is the greatest masterpiece of film in your opinion?
That’s a very hard question but I feel I have to go with Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A SPACE ODYSEE for many reasons.

A highlight in your career?
Definitely the theatrical release of my first feature film NEVRLAND after a very successful festival tour from the Philippines all the way to Los Angeles.

What else is your passion?
Reading. It’s virtually impossible for me to walk into a book store and not buy a book. Which makes impulse control one of my vices. 

A fun fact about you / Any guilty pleasure?
When it comes to ice cream I am very conservative and only eat Vanilla, if I have the choice.

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Nevrland (Feature film)

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Vangardist – Ticket ins Ungewisse

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Homophobia (Short film)

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+43 1 522 44 07
Branded Entertainment, Commercials & Service
+43 1 997 41 22
Feature Film & Series
Lindengasse 1/12 | 1070 Vienna


Coming-Of-Age Drama Series
6 episodes á 45 mins